FORTUNE2 WEB API QUICK GUIDE ============================ Get a random fortune in plain text format: /fortune/ Get a random fortune in json format: /fortune/?outputfmt=json Get a random fortune in html format: /fortune/?outputfmt=html Get a random fortune from the 'linux' jar: /fortune/linux/ Get a random fortune from the 'news' jar in html format: /fortune/news/?outputfmt=html Get fortune #3 from the 'news' jar in html format: /fortune/news/3?outputfmt=html Get a random fortune from any of the jars: 'news', 'perl', 'linux': /fortune/?jars=news,perl,linux Use sw=c option to display the jar which the fortune belongs to: /fortune/?sw=c List jar information: /info /info?outputfmt=json Note: - If outputfmt is not specified, it returns plain text. - Use outputfmt=htmlpre for html
- Use sw=e to disregard jar size when selecting random jars.
- Combine sw= options like this: sw=ce (uses both 'c' and 'e' option)